Thursday, March 17, 2016

Learn why this small presence in all hard drives and what role the hole and why prevents open

تعرف على سبب تواجد هذا الثقب الصغير في جميع الاقراص الصلبة وماهو دوره ولماذا يمنع فتحه

Many of you may notice the presence of this little hard drive of a computer with the words hole Do not cover this hole, which means do not open this hole. Do you know his role and why it prevents you open it?

Here's the answer; this hole role is is to maintain a balance in the air pressure inside the hard drive with the pressure off, the fact that the tire pressure may vary from place to place, since the hard drive is composed of very sensitive material has been provided with hard drives of this hole that has a breadth 0.5 millimeters, which is allowing air to infiltrate inside the disc by using a small filter, without dust, which is the enemy Alldhuz cylinders that spin inside passes.
When increasing the air pressure inside the hard drive, it would lead to a crush needle read data discs with the destruction of data. Either in the case of removal Alfeltz (outer cover), that will allow the passage of dust which would cause damage to the hard disk.


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Learn why this small presence in all hard drives and what role the hole and why prevents open
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