Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Study: Use of the smart phone for 5 minutes in the same hand is very dangerous!

دراسة: استعمال الهاتف الذكي لمدة 5 دقائق بنفس اليد شديد الخطورة !

Specialist Academy, said a Turkish news agency Anatolia, said that excessive use of smart phones, may lead to infection with many permanent health problems, stressing the need to move the phone from one hand to another every 5 minutes, during use.

He added Professor, Unal Oozum, a teacher at the Department of Neurosurgery at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the "Republic" in Turkish, that smart phones, which saw widespread in recent years, it may cause abnormalities in the body according to the method of use, and noted in an interview with Anatolia, that "problems health in the neck, arms and fingers, increased quite dramatically in conjunction with the increased use of smartphones and tablet computers. "

He explained Oozum, they recommend patients using smart phones for short periods, and to be in the high and long position on the face, pointing to the need to develop such devices above the base, and not to the curvature of the head towards it, and looking at them straight.

And he went on to "use the phone in the same hand for a long time, leading to Tkhaddrat and pain in the fingers, fast and fatigue in the arm, and the emergence of problems in the neck, arthritis, and headache that lasts for several days, which would be human loses its activity and vitality."


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Study: Use of the smart phone for 5 minutes in the same hand is very dangerous!
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